
Sawtooth sunflower, Helianthus grosserratus, a 12 ft stalk with about 30 or more bright yellow blooms, with trees and vines in the background.

Sunflowers come in much more variety than the big-headed snacky sort so popular. Right now Highway 49E north of town has these beauties along the roadway and railway.

Helianthus grosserratus, sawtooth sunflower, although the leaves are not all that serrated. Twelve feet tall and full of bees.

Sawtooth sunflower, Helianthus grosserratus, a 12 ft stalk with about 30 or more bright yellow blooms, with trees and vines in the background.

There's even this short version. Hairy sunflower, Helianthus hirsutus.

Hairy sunflower, Helianthus hirsutus, bright yellow petals around a yellow center, growing in dying grass with a background of sticks and twigs.

I'll want at least some of the short ones for my yard, and maybe some tall ones too.