ground cover update

Among blades of St Augustine grass, runners of tiny oval leaves with wee clustered dry blooms/seed heads, spotted spurge.

Spotted spurge, pictured above, is highly welcome inside the log border, as is Virginia buttonweed, pictured below.

A white person's left hand holding runners of bladed leaves with fuzzy green oval seed pods, Virginia buttonweed.

However, a few weeks ago I noticed the buttonweed getting loose in the grass border on the south side next to the neighbor, so I made a mental note to go get it.

Finally did that, but the plant has already gone to seed.

I'm so new to this. I hadn't seen these seeds before.

I also saw that the spurge is getting out, so today I pulled up as much of these as I could. Probably dropped a bunch of these seeds in the process but did my best

Runners of green bladed leaves along the top of an oak log, Virginia buttonweed.